• Food for thought


    Share your beauty. My love thinks I’m beautiful. I wish I knew how to convey how phenomenal that is, that he thinks so and tells me so often. He tells me so, all the time, at all states of disheveled bumming at home, to polished and ready for work. What makes this so phenomenal is that I had always hoped I was. I believe parts of me are very beautiful, but that’s not an adjective I’d use to describe myself. He says it like he’s trying to tell me its Tuesday on Tuesday. That I just am. As I am. My reluctance to understand that he can see my beauty…

  • Food for thought


    Last night, I got back from an impromptu vacation. I really needed the time out to sit and be a bum and read all week, while enjoying wonderful dinners every night with the love of my life. For as much as I try not to complain, compare, or compete (a solid gem from a very clever friend!), all I could do was grit my teeth at work, and complain to my love at night about how out of control things had become at the office. Absenteeism, poor attitudes, and bosses changing their minds faster than the headlines do… I was inundated with things I couldn’t control, and things I couldn’t…